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About Roots So Deep
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Proposed Research 2016
Example of AMP grazing paddocks layout
Hurst property - Woodville, MS
see larger
Cattle in a field
see larger
Cooper And Katie Hurst
Woodville, MS
see larger
Brooke Garrett with her pet donkeys
Piedmont, AL
see larger
Bug scientists doing fieldwork, sweeping insects
Jacksonville, AL
see larger
Aerial view of Sequatchie Cove Farm
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
Butterfly in a field
Insect abundance is in an indicator of biodiversity
see larger
Cute Calf
AMP research included an "Animal Welfare" study
see larger
Cooper Hurst inspects the herd
Woodville, MS
see larger
Cattle in a field
see larger
Tyler Garrett with his animals
Piedmont, AL
see larger
Gorgeous morning at the Spangler Farm
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
Prentiss Ferguson driving a tractor
Woodville, MS
see larger
Behind the Scenes: Peter Byck interviews Dr. Allen Williams
Etta Hills Farm, MS
see larger
Bill Keener and Dr. Jonathan Lundgren inspecting insects
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
Margo and Prentiss Ferguson
Woodville , MS
see larger
Pasture Partners - cows & birds
see larger
Prentiss Ferguson with his son Wallace Ferguson
Woodville, MS
see larger
Cattle in a field
see larger
Animated insects
An abundance of bugs are good for biodiversity!
see larger
Peter Byck
Roots So Deep
see larger
Graphic depiction of the AMP Research Study
see larger
Q&A after a
Roots So Deep
Hometown Roadshow Screening
Hartville, MO
see larger
Bill Keener
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
Bill Keener & Peter Byck
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
Katie Hurst
Woodville, TN
see larger
DC Spangler feeding cattle
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
Johnny Spangler
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
John Lyons rotates the herd to a new pasture
Piedmont, AL
see larger
Greg Brann sets up temporary polywire electric fencing for AMP grazing
Adolphus, KY
see larger
Kelsey Keener
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
Katie & Cooper Hurst inspect the herd
Woodville, MS
see larger
Cow chomping a flower
see larger
Wallace Ferguson
Woodville, MS
see larger
Dr. Jonathan Lundgren and team doing entomology fieldwork
see larger
Dr. Jonathan Lundgren, entomologist, in his lab
Estelline, SD
see larger
Peter Byck and Michael McGraw, wildlife ecologist
see larger
Michael McGraw, wildlife ecologist
see larger
Michael McGraw, wildlife ecologist, surveying birds
see larger
Cattle in a field
see larger
Peter Byck with Dr. Allen Williams and his son Chris Williams
Etta Hills Farm, MS
see larger
Pat Daniels from AES tests water infiltration rates in the field
see larger
Endangered Bobwhite Quails return to healthy habitats
see larger
Misty morning on the farm
see larger
John Lyons
Pedmont, AL
see larger
Katie and Cooper Hurst inspect the herd
Woodville MS
see larger
Animation of a bird
see larger
Bill Keener with grandchild
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
Animation of a roots system
see larger
Cattle in a field
see larger
Dr. Jonathan Lundgren and team doing entomology fieldwork
see larger
Dr. Michael Lehman studies the microbiology of the soils
see larger
Haying on the Spangler Farm
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
Curtis Spangler
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
Spangler Farm on a misty morning
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
DC Spangler driving a tractor
Sequatchie, TN
see larger
Cattle finding shade under trees in pasture
see larger
Peter Byck with farmers attending a South Poll Field Day & Festival
Albertville, AL
see larger